Understanding the impact on healthcare utilisation of functional neurological disorders

Disease area(s): Neuroscience; Functional Neurological Disorders
Data sources: University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHPNT)
Project stage: Design
Ethical approval: Granted
Principal Investigator: Marie Jasim
Funder(s): National Institute of Health Research


Functional neurological disorder (FND) is a medical condition in which there is a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body sends and/or receives signals, rather than a structural disease process. FND can encompass a wide variety of neurological symptoms, but conventional tests will often be normal in this patient cohort. Historically, this has led to the condition being relatively neglected by clinicians and researchers, and many clinicians have had had little formal education on the assessment and management of these disorders. Accurate data capturing the prevalence of FND is unavailable. The economic impact of this disorder on healthcare has consequently not been explored, and it is uncertain how this patient group are utilising secondary care services. We will scrutinise patient records to better understand the impact of this condition on healthcare services in our region. We hope this will drive future funding and commissioning decisions to provide patients with FND access to appropriate services and potentially effective treatments.


Medical data used in this project is stored and processed in compliance with the highest data protection standards. All data that we analyse is first anonymised. Information that may be used to identify the people whose data we use in this project is held strictly on NHS computer systems and processed only by qualified NHS staff. We understand however that some people may not wish to have their data used in this way. If you would like to opt out of involvement of this or any other of our projects, please click here.